Solar Empowered Schools

Helping students shine through renewable
energy education.

Solar schools have the unique opportunity to transform their solar arrays into learning labs for renewable energy, generating rich STEM curriculum connections for students of any age -- from elementary schoolers learning about the sun to high schoolers engaging in technical career training. Madison Energy Infrastructure launched Solar Empowered Schools to extend the benefits of solar energy beyond roofs and into classrooms. From custom student-friendly solar energy dashboards to hands-on technical training, we are proud to play a part in preparing students for STEM careers and empowering youth to actively participate in their clean energy future.

Solar Empowered Schools logo

Enriching curriculum connections through solar


  • Standards-aligned lessons for K-12
  • Solar dashboard investigations
  • Virtual solar tour
  • Sort by grade and topic


  • Video tutorial
  • Training workshops
  • Experiment kit library
  • Scholarship grants for teacher professional development


  • Celebration of solar education in
  • Shared best practices across
Solar empowered schools dashboard
Sample solar energy dashboard for schools

Solar Empowered Schools’ mission is to help students shine through renewable energy education. Madison Energy Infrastructure manages Solar Empowered Schools to extend the benefits of solar energy beyond roofs and into classrooms, preparing students for STEM careers and empowering youth to actively participate in their clean energy future.